Alireza Abdollahi

Phone: 0311-7934621
Fax: 0098-311-7932308
Address: Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan,       81746-73441, Iran.

Farsi Page

 Educational History:

B.Sc. in Mathematics - University of Isfahan - Iran. (1992-1996)

M.Sc. in Mathematics - University of Isfahan - Iran. (1996-1997)


Title of M.Sc. Thesis: Some results and problem arising from a question of Paul Erdos

Supervisor: Prof. A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi

First Ph.D. in Mathematics - University of Isfahan - Iran. (1997-2000)

 Title of Thesis: Some combinatorial conditions on groups

 Supervisor of First Ph.D.: Prof. A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi

Second Ph.D. in Mathematics - Universite de Provence, CMI France (October 2000-June 2001)

 Title of Thesis: Quelques conditions d'Engel dans certaines classes de groupes.

  (In English: Some Engel conditions in certain classes of groups)

  Supervisor of Second Ph.D.: Prof. Gerard Endimioni



Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan, 2001-2005.

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan, 2005-2009.

Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Isfahan, 2009-.

Courses Taught:

1. Algebra 1

2. Linear Algebra

3. Advanced Algebra

4. Topics in Group Theory

5. Coding Theory

6. Topics in Ring Theory

7. Graph Theory

8. Algebra 3

Research Interests:

1. Combinatorial conditions on finite and infinite subsets of groups and rings

2. Engel elements in groups

3. Non-inner automorphisms of order p in finite p-groups

4. Integral Cayley graphs and one-factorizations in Cayley graphs

5. Non-Commuting graph, non-nilpotent graph, Engel graph, non-cyclic graph of groups


Mathematics Subject Classifications (2000): 20; 16; 05; 20F45;  20D60; 20D45.


Professional Experience :

Head of Mathematics Department, University of Isfahan 2004-2006.

Head of Graduate Studies of University of Isfahan, 2006-2009.

Member of Scientific Committee of Mathematics Section of Institute for Studies in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), 2007-2009.

Head of Research Affairs of University of Isfahan, 2009-2011.

Head of the Center of Excellence for Mathematics, University of Isfahan, 2008-2011.

Dean of administrative and finance affairs of University of Isfahan, 2011-2014.

AWARDS and Honors:

1. First grade student in B.Sc.

2. First grade student in M.Sc.

3. First grade student in Ph.D.

4. Second prize in Alkharazmi young festival 1999.

5. First prize in Sheikh Bahaei festival 1999.

6. Ten months scholarship from France government. Selected by Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM) for this scholarship.

7. Selected by Internatinal Mathematical Union (IMU) for a grant to attendance in Internatinal Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2002 in China-Beijing.

8.  Scholarship from the abdus salam international centre for theoretical physics (ICTP) in Italy-Trieste for passing one month in the centre from 24 July 2003 to 24 August 2003.

9. Awarded to become a Junior Associate of ICTP for the period 2003-2008.

10. Distinguished researcher  in basic sciences of  the University of Isfahan (2005-2006).

11.  Distinguished lecturer of 2006-2007 in Faculty of Sciences in University of Isfahan.

12. Received ``Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM)'' Young Mathematician Prize of 2005

13. Head of distinguished Center of Excellence in Basic Sciences (Selected by Ministry of Science and Education) 1388 (2010).

Honorary Activities:

1. Reviewer of Zentralblatt MATH.

2. Reviewer of the American Mathematical Reviews.

3. Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Group Theory. To submit a paper one must first register in the Online Editorial System of IJGT.

4. Editor-in-Chief of Transactions on Combinatorics. To submit a paper one must first register in the Online Editorial System of TOC.

5. Referee for 

a) Algebra Colloquium. (World Scientific).

b)  Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing. (Korean Society for Computational & Applied Mathematics and the Korean SIGCAM)

c)  Communications in Algebra (Taylor & Francis)

d)  Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) (Pushpa Publishing House)

e)  Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

f)  Linear Algebra and its Applications (Elsevier Inc.)

g)  Journal of Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran (University of Tehran)

h)  International Electronic Journal of Algebra (Int. Electron. J. Algebra, Turkey)

i) Utilitas Mathematica (Univ. Natal Dept. Math. Appl. Math. Durban, South Africa)

j) Ars Combinatoria (Charles Babbage Res. Centre, Canada)

k) Journal of Group Theory (Walter de Gruyter)
l) Frontiers of Mathematics in China (Springer Heidelberger)

m) Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen (The Institute of Mathematics,University of Debrecen, Hungary)

n) International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences (Hindawi Publishing Corporation)

p) Acta Mathematica Sinica (Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Mathematical Society, published by Springer)

q) Journal of Algebra (Elsevier Inc.)

r) Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society

s) American Mathematical Monthly

t) Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (Springer)


Collaboration in Conference Organizing:

1)   Member of the Scientific and Administrative Committees of The first Two-Days Group Theory Seminar in IRAN.

2)   Member of the Scientific Committee of the 20th Seminar on Algebra of IRAN.

3)   Member of the Scientific Committee of The Second Group Theory Conference in IRAN, Mashhad.

4)   Member of the Scientific Committee of The Third Conference and Workshop on Group Theory, IRAN, Tehran.

5)   Member of the Scientific Committee of The First Biennial International Group Theory Conference 2011, Malaysia, Johor Bahru.

6)   Member of the Scientific and Organizing Committee of The Third Algebraic Combinatorics Conference of Iran, 2011, University of Isfahan.

7)   Member of the Scientific Committee of The Fourth Group Theory Conference of IRAN, Isfahan Payame Noor University, March 7-9, 2012.

8)   Member of the Scientific Committee of The Fifth Group Theory Conference of IRAN, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad- Iran, March 13-15, 2013.

9)   9) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 23th Algebra Seminar of IRAN, Khansar Faculty of Computer and Mathematics, Khansar- Isfahan, Iran, November 21-22, 2013.

10)                 10) Member of the Scientific Committee of the 6th National Mathematics Conference of Payam Noor University, Isfahan, Iran, 5-6 March 2014.

11)                 11) Member of the Scientific Committee of The Sixth Group Theory Conference of IRAN, Golestan University, Gorgan, March 12-13, 2014.

12)                 12) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 7th Group Theory Conference of IRAN and 3rd Biennial International Group Theory Conference, Ferdowsi University of Mashad, Mashhad, 28-31 January, 2015.

13)                 13) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 8th Group Theory Conference of IRAN,  University of Tabriz, Tabriz,  3-5 February, 2016.

14)                 14) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 4th Biennial International Group Theory Conference, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur,  Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,  23-26 January, 2017.

15)                 15) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 9th Group Theory Conference of IRAN,  University of Kashan, Kashan,  1-3 February, 2016.

16)                 16) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 10th Group Theory Conference of IRAN,  Kharazmi University, Tehran,  24-26 January, 2018.

17)                 17) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 11th Group Theory Conference of IRAN,  Yazd University, Yazd,  30-31 January, 2019.

18)                 18) Member of the Scientific Committee of The Fifth Biennial International Group Theory Conference 2019 (5BIGTC2019),  Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia,  1-4 July, 2019.

19)                 19) Member of the Scientific Committee of  50th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, 26-29 August 2019, Shiraz, Iran.

20)                 20) Member of the Scientific Committee of The 12th Group Theory Conference of IRAN,  Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, 18-19 February, 2020.

21)                 Member of the Scientific Committee of  the 13th Group Theory Conference of Iran, (Urimia University)

22)                 Member of the Scientific Committee of  the 14th Group Theory Conference of Iran, (Elm-o Sanat University)

23)                 Member of the Scientific Committee of  the 15th Group Theory Conference of Iran, (Amir Kabir University)


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Published or Accepted in 2023

124. S. M. Ghoraishi, A. Abdollahi, A. Hosseini and R. Sobhani, On fully invariant subgroups of finite abelian groups, to appear in Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. [PDF]

123. A. Abdollahi, Groups with symmetric non-commuting graphs, to appear in Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. [PDF]


Published or Accepted in 2022

122. A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, M. Ebrahimi, F. Mombeni Garmsiri, M. Khatami, and R. Sobhani, Groups with sharp non-linear irreducible characters, to appear in Communications in Algebra.

121. A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, M. Ebrahimi, F. Mombeni Garmsiri, M. Khatami, and R. Sobhani, Groups with sharp characters of type {−1, 1, 3}, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical society, 48 (2022) 3809-3821. [PDF]

120. A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, M. Ebrahimi, M. Khatami, Z. Shahbazi and R. Sobhani, On sharp characters of type {−1, 0, 2}, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 72 (2022) 1081-1087. [PDF]

119. A. Abdollahi, J. Bagherian, M. Khatami, Z. Shahbazi and R. Sobhani, A conjecture of Cameron and Kiyota on sharp characters with prescribed values, Communications in Algebra, 50 No. 6 (2022) 2731-2739. [PDF]

118. A. Abdollahi and M. Ebrahimi, Zero divisors of support size 3 in complex group algebras of finite groups,  to appear in Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics.

117. A. Abdollahi and M. Soleimani Malekan, A necessary condition for zero divisors in complex group algebra of torsion-free groups, to appear in Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics.

116. A. Abdollahi and M. Soleimani Malekan, Compact groups with a set of positive Haar measure satisfying a nilpotent law, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 173 No. 2 (2022) 329-332. [PDF]

115. A. Abdollahi, M. Arezoomand and G. Tracy,  On finite totally 2-closed groups, C. R., Math., Acad. Sci. Paris 360, (2022) 1001-1008.[PDF]

114. A. Abdollahi and M. Soleimani Malekan,  Commuting probability of compact groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 105 No. 1 (2022) 87-91. [PDF]

113. A. Abdollahi and N. Zakeri, Cospectrality of multipartite graphs,  Ars Mathematica Contemporanea, 22 No. 1 (2022) #P1.06, 15 pp [PDF]



Published or Accepted in 2021


 112. A. Abdollahi and N. Zakeri,  Proof of a conjecture on spectral distance between cycles, paths and certain trees, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications,  13 (2021) No. 6, Paper No. 2150073, 9 pp. [PDF]



Published or Accepted in 2020

111. A. Abdollahi and S. Mahdi Zanjanian, Quotients of Passman Fours Group and Non-units of Their Group Algebras. Bull. Iran. Math. Soc. (2020). [PDF]

110. A. Abdollahi and S. Mahdi Zanjanian, Units of Group Algebras of the Fours Group, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society volume 46pages1371–1387(2020). [PDF]

109. M. Soleimani Malekan, A. Abdollahi and M. Ebrahimi, Compact groups with many elements of bounded order, J. Group Theory, 23 (2020) 991-998. [PDF]

108. A. Abdollahi and  N. Rahmani, Automorphism groups of 2-groups of coclass at most 3, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. Vol. 43 No. 3 (2020) 2313-2320.   [PDF]

107. Alireza Abdollahi and Fatemeh Jafari, Cardinality of product sets in torsion-free groups and applications in group algebras,  Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 19 (2020) No. 4., 2050079, 24 pp. [PDF]

106. A. Abdollahi, N. Trabelsi and A. Zitouni,, Groups with an Engel restriction on proper subgroups of infinite rank, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, (2020) 2050213 (8 pages). S0219498820502138   [PDF]

Published or Accepted in 2019

105. A. Abdollahi and Z. Taheri, Zero divisors of support size 3 in group algebras and trinomials divided by irreducible polynomials  over GF(2), to appear in Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova, [PDF]

104. M. Arezoomand, A. Abdollahi and  P. Spiga, On problems concerning fixed-point-free permutations and on the polycirculant conjecture-a survey, Transactions on Combinatorics, 8, No. 1 (2019) 15-40. [PDF]

103. A. Abdollahi and S. M. Zanjanian, Nonunits of group algebras over the fours group, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 18, No. 12 (2019) 1950228 (13 pages) . [PDF]

102. R. Sobhani, A. Abdollahi, J. BagherianM. Khatami,  A note on good permutation codes from Reed–Solomon codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 87  (2019) 2335-2340 [PDF]

101. Alireza Abdollahi and Maysam Zallaghi, Non-Abelian finite groups whose character sums are invariant but are not Cayley isomorphism, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 18 No. 1 (2019)  1950013, 15 pp. [PDF]

100. Alireza Abdollahi and Fatemeh Jafari, Zero divisor and unit elements with supports of size 4 in group algebras of torsion-free groups, Communications in Algebra,  47 No. 1 (2019) 424-449. [PDF]


Published in 2018

99. Alireza Abdollahi and M. Jazaeri, Integral graphs with distinct eigenvalues, Ars Combinatoria, 140 (2018) 351-357.  [PDF]

98. Alireza Abdollahi, Groups of prime power orders covered by a certain number of proper subgroups, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, Vol. 44, No. 4 (2018)  1067-1068.   [PDF]

97. Alireza Abdollahi and  Z. Taheri, Zero divisors and units with small supports in group algebras of torsion-free groups,  Communications in Algebra, 46 No. 2 (2018)  887-925. [PDF]

96. Alireza Abdollahi,  M. Arezoomand, Finite nilpotent groups that coincide with their 2-closures in all of their faithful permutation representations, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 17, No. 4, (2018) 1850065.  [PDF]

Published in 2017

95. Alireza Abdollahi and H. Mousavi, Finite nilpotent groups whose cyclic subgroups are TI-subgroups, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc., 40 (2017) 1577-1589.   [PDF]

94. Alireza Abdollahi, B. Daoud, M. D. G. Farrokhi and Y. Guerboussa, Groups of prime generalized exponent, International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 27 No. 7 (2017) 849-862.   [PDF]

93. Alireza AbdollahiR. Woodroofe and G. Zaimi, Frankl's Conjecture for subgroup lattices, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 24, No. 3 (2017), #P3.25. [PDF]

 92. Alireza Abdollahi,  M. Ghuedri and Y. Guerboussa, Non-triviality of Tate cohomology for certain classes of finite p-groups, Communications in Algebra,  45, No. 12  (2017), 5188-5192. [PDF]

91. Alireza Abdollahi, M. Jazaeri and Edwin R. van Dam,  Distance-regular Cayley graphs with least eigenvalue -2,  Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 84 No. 1 (2017) 73-85.  [PDF]

90. Alireza Abdollahi, S. M. Ghoraishi and M. Ahmadi, Finite p-groups with the least number of outer p-automorphisms, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 16, No. 5 (2017) 1750111 (12 pages). [PDF]

89. Alireza Abdollahi and S. M. Ghoraishi, On noninner automorphisms of 2-generator finite p-groups, Comm. Algebra, Vol. 45, No. 8 (2017) 3636-3642. [PDF]

88. Alireza Abdollahi, Sh. Janbaz and M Ghahramani, A large family of cospectral Cayley graphs over dihedral groups, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 340 (2017) 1116-1121.  [PDF]

Published in 2016

87. Alireza Abdollahi, Sh. Janbaz and M. Jazaeri, Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are determined by their spectra, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 15, No. 9 (2016) 1650175 (15 pages) .  [PDF]

86. Alireza Abdollahi and Amir Loghman, Cayley graphs isomorphic to the product of two Cayley graphs,  Ars Combinatoria, 126 (2016) 301-310. [PDF]

Published in 2015

85. Alireza Abdollahi  and  M. Zallaghi, Character sums for Cayley graphs,  Comm. Algebra, 43 (2015) 5159-5167. [PDF]

84. Alireza Abdollahi,  Sh. Janbaz and M. R. Oboudi, Distance between spectra of graphs,  Linear Algebra and its Applications, Vol. 466 (2015) 401-408. [PDF]

83. Alireza Abdollahi,  Non-solvable groups generated by involutions in which every involution is left 2-Engel, Journal of Group Theory, Vol. 18 No. 1 (2015) 111-114. [PDF]

Published in 2014

82. A. Tavakoli, A. Rejali, A. Yousofzadeh and Alireza Abdollahi,  A note about configuration of a group, MATEMATIKA,  Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 117-121.   [PDF]

81. Alireza Abdollahi, Sh. Janbaz and M. R. Oboudi, Cospectrality measures of graphs with at most six vertices, Journal of Algebraic Structures and their Applications, Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014) 57-67. [PDF]

80. Alireza Abdollahi  and S. M. Ghoraishi, p-Groups for which each outer p-automorphism centralizes only p elements,  Glasnik Matematicki Vol. 49(69) (2014) 119 -122  [PDF]

79. Alireza Abdollahi and Shahrooz Janbaz, Connected graphs cospectral with a Friendship graph,  Trans. Comb., 3 No. 2 (2014) 17-20. [PDF]

78. Alireza Abdollahi  and  Mohammad Reza Oboudi, Cospectrality of graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 451 (2014) 169-181.  [PDF]

77. Alireza Abdollahi, S. M. Ghoraishi, Y. Guerboussa, M. Reguiat and B. Wilkens, Noninner automorphisms of order p for finite p-groups of coclass 2,  Journal of  Group Theory, 17 (2014) 267-272.  [PDF]

76. Alireza Abdollahi and S. M. Ghoraishi, On noninner 2-automorphisms of finite 2-groups, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 90 No. 2 (2014) 227-231.  [PDF]

75. Alireza Abdollahi and M. Jazaeri, Groups all of whose undirected Cayley graphs are integral,  European Journal of Combinatorics 38 (2014) 102-109.  [PDF]

74. Alireza Abdollahi, Groups with maximal irredundant covers and minimal blocking sets, Ars Combinatoria 113 (2014) 337-339.[PDF]

73. Alireza Abdollahi  and Hamid Shahverdi, Non-commuting graphs of  nilpotent groups, Communications in Algebra 49 No. 9 (2014) 3944-3949. [PDF]

Published in 2013

72. Alireza Abdollahi, Shahrooz Janbaz and Mohammad Reza Oboudi, Graphs cospectral with a friendship graph or its complement,  Trans. Comb., 2 No. 4 (2013) 37-52. [PDF]

71. Alireza Abdollahi  and S. M. Ghoraishi, Noninner automorphisms of finite p-groups leaving the center elementwise fixed,  Int. J. Group Theory, 2 no. 4 (2013) 17-20. [PDF]

70. Alireza Abdollahi  and S. M. Ghoraishi and Bettina Wilkens, Finite p-groups of class 3 have noninner automorphisms of order p,  Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 54 No. 1 (2013) 363-381. [PDF]

69. Alireza Abdollahi  and M. Jazaeri, On groups admitting no integral Cayley graphs besides complete multipartite graphs, Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. (2013), 119-128. [PDF]

68. Alireza Abdollahi, S. Akbari, H. Dorbidi and H. Shahverdi, Commutativity pattern of finite non-abelian p-groups determine their orders, Communications in Algebra, 41 No. 2 (2013) 451-461. [PDF]

67. Alireza Abdollahi and A. Loghman, On one-factorizations of replacement products, Filomat, 27: 1 (2013) 57-63. [PDF]

Published in 2012

66. Alireza Abdollahi, Determinants of adjacency matrices of graphs, Trans. Comb. 1 No. 4 (2012) 9-16. [PDF]

65. Alireza Abdollahi  and H. Shahverdi, Characterization of the alternating group by its non-commuting graph, Journal of Algebra, 357 (2012) 203-207. [PDF]

64. A. Tavakoli, Alireza Abdollahi, H.E. Bell, Rings with a setwise polynomial-like condition, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 38 No. 2 (2012) 305-311. [PDF]

Published in 2011

63. Alireza Abdollahi , R. Brandl and A. Tortora, Groups generated by a finite Engel set, Journal of Algebra 347 (2011) 53-59. [PDF]


62. Alireza Abdollahi and Francesco G. Russo, On a problem of P. Hall for Engel words, Arch. Math. (Basel) 97 (2011) 407-412. [PDF]


61. Alireza Abdollahi, Cohomologically trivial modules over finite groups of prime power order, Journal of Algebra 342 (2011) 154-160. [PDF]


60. Alireza Abdollahi and E. Vatandoost, Integral quartic Cayley graphs of abelian groups, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18 (2011), #P89.[PDF]

59. Alireza Abdollahi, Engel elements in groups, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series: 387, Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath, Volume 1, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 94-117. [PDF]


Published in 2010

58. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Faghihi, S.A. Linton and E.A. O'Brien, Finite 3-groups of class 3 whose elements commute with their automorphic images, Arch. Math. (Basel) 95 No.1 (2010) 1-7. [PDF]

57. Alireza Abdollahi and H. Khosravi, Right 4-Engel elements of a group, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 9 (2010) 763-769. [PDF]

56. Alireza Abdollahi, Powerful p-groups have noninner automorphisms of order p and some cohomology, Journal of Algebra 323 (2010) 779-789. [PDF]

55. Alireza Abdollahi and H. Khosravi, On the right and left 4-Engel elements, Communications in Algebra 38 No. 3 (2010) 933-943. [PDF]

54. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Azad, A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi and M. Zarrin, On the clique number of non-commuting graphs of certain groups, Algebra Colloquium 17 No. 4 (2010) 611-620. [PDF]

53. Alireza Abdollahi and M. Zarrin, Non-nilpotent graph of a group, Communications in Algebra , 38 No. 12 (2010) 4390-4403. [PDF]

Published in 2009

52. Alireza Abdollahi and E. Vatandoost, Which Cayley graphs are integral?, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 16 (2009), #R122. [PDF]

51. Alireza Abdollahi and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Non-cyclic graph associated with a group, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 8 No. 2 (2009) 243-257. [PDF]

50. Alireza Abdollahi and A. Tavakoli, A note on centrality in infinite groups, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics,  33 (2009) 207-208. [PDF]

59. Alireza Abdollahi, H.R. Maimani and R. Torabi, On the automorphism group of a possible symmetric (81,16,3) design,  Utilitas Mathematica, 78 (2009) 243-250.  [PDF]


48. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Rejali and A. Yousofzadeh, Configuration of nilpotent groups and isomorphism, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 8, No. 3 (2009) 339-350. [PDF]

47. Alireza  Abdollahi, Characterization of SL(2,q) by its non-commuting graph, Beitrage zur Algebra und Geometrie, 50, No. 2, (2009) 443-448.[PDF]

Published in 2008

46. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Faghihi and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, 3-Generator groups whose elements commute with their endomorphic images are abelian , Communications in Algebra, 36 No. 10 (2008) 3783-3791. [PDF]

45. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Faghihi and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Minimal number of generators and minimum order of a non-Abelian group whose elements commute with their endomorphic imagesCommunications in Algebra, 36 No. 5 (2008) 1976-1987. [PDF]

44. Alireza Abdollahi, M.J. Ataei and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Minimal blocking sets in PG(n,2) and covering groups by subgroups,  Communications in Algebra, 36 No. 2 (2008) 365-380.  [PDF]

43. Alireza  Abdollahi, Commuting graphs of full matrix rings over finite fields,   Linear Algebra and its Applications, 428 (2008) 2947-2954. [PDF]

42. Alireza Abdollahi,  1-factorizations of Cayley graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 86 (2008) 129-131. [PDF]

41. Alireza Abdollahi and H. R. Maimani, A new technique for constructing pairwise balanced designs from groups,  Ars Combinatoria, 86 (2008)  409-413.[PDF]

40. Alireza Abdollahi and S.M. Jafarian Amiri, Minimal coverings of completely reducible groups, Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 72/1-2 (2008), 167-172 . [PDF]

Published in 2007

39. Alireza  Abdollahi, Engel graph associated with a group, Journal of  Algebra, 318 (2007) 680-691.  [PDF]

38. Alireza Abdollahi, A combinatorial property of Burnside varieties of groups, Ischia group theory 2006, 1--6, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2007. [PDF]

37. Alireza Abdollahi and S.M. Jafarian Amiri, On groups with an irredundant 7-cover, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 209 (2007) 291-300. [PDF]

36.  Alireza Abdollahi, S.M. Jafarian Amiri and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Groups with specific number of centralizers,  Houston Journal of Mathematics,  33, No. 1  (2007), 43-57 . [PDF]

35. Alireza Abdollahi, Finite p-groups of class 2 have noninner automorphisms of order p,  Journal of Algebra, 312 (2007) 876-879. [PDF]

34. Alireza Abdollahi and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Non-cyclic graph of a group, Communications in Algebra, 35 (2007) 2057-2081. [PDF]

33. Alireza Abdollahi, F. Ashraf and S.M. Shaker, The symmetric group of degree six can be covered by 13 and no fewer proper subgroups,  Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, Second Series, 30 No. 1 (2007) 57-58. [PDF]

Published in 2006

32. Alireza Abdollahi, B. Daoud et G. Endimioni, Groupes n-abeliens generalises, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society, 13, No.2 (2006)  287-294. [PDF]

31. Alireza Abdollahi, Groupes satisfaisant une condition de nilpotentce, Mathematical Reports (Bucureşti) 8 (58), no.4 (2006) 385-389. [PDF]

30. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Azad, A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi and M. Zarrin, B. H. Neumann's question on ensuring commutativity of finite groups, Bulletin of the Australian  Mathematical Society, 74 (2006) 121-132. [PDF]

29. Alireza Abdollahi, S. Akbari and H.R. Maimani, Non-commuting graph of a group, Journal of Algebra, 298 (2006) 468-492. [PDF]


Published in 2005


28. Alireza Abdollahi, Groupes satisfaisant une condition d'Engel, Journal of Algbera, 283, No. 2 (2005) 431-446. [PDF]

27. Alireza Abdollahi and S. Akbari, Rings virtually satisfying a polynomial identity, Journal of Pure and Applied Algbera, 198 (2005) 9-19. [PDF]

26. Alireza Abdollahi and G. Endimioni, On conditions for an endomorphism to be an automorphism, Algebra Colloquium, 12, No. 4 (2005) 709-714. [PDF]

25. Alireza Abdollahi, M.J. Ataei, S.M. Jafarian Amiri and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Groups with a maximal irredundant 6-cover, Communications in Algebra, 33, No. 9 (2005) 3225-3238. [PDF]

24. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar  Mohammadi Hassanabdi, 3-rewritable nilpotent 2-groups of class 2, Communications in Algebra, 33, No. 5 (2005)   1417-1425.

23. Alireza Abdollahi and A. Rejali, Paradoxical decomposition of semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 71, (2005) 471-480.

Published in 2004

22. Alireza Abdollahi, Powers of a product of commutators as products of squares,   International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2004:7 (2004) 373-375. [PDF]

21. Alireza Abdollahi, Left 3-Engel elements in groups, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 188 (2004) 1-6. [PDF]

20. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Characterization of abelian-by-cyclic 3-rewritable groups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 112 (2004) 173-180. [PDF]

19. Alireza Abdollahi and A. Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Finite groups with a certain number of elements pairwise generating a non-nilpotent subgroup, Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society, 30, No. 2 (2004) 1-20. [PDF]

18. Alireza Abdollahi, Ali Rejali and George A. Willis, Group properties characterised by configurations, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, 48 no. 3 (2004) 861-873.

Published in 2003

17. Alireza Abdollahi, Certain locally nilpotent varieties of groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 67 (2003) 115-119. [PDF]

Published in 2002

16. Alireza Abdollahi, A combinatorial problem in infinite groups, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. (2) 25 (2002) 101-114. [PDF]

15. Alireza Abdollahi and Nadir Trabelsi, Quelques extensions d'un probleme de Paul Erdos sur les groupes, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc.

 9 (2002) 205-215. [PDF]

14. Alireza Abdollahi and Gunnar Traustason, On locally finite p-groups satisfying an Engel condition, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

130 (2002) 2827-2836. [PDF]

Published in 2001

13. Alireza Abdollahi, Some Engel conditions on finite subsets of certain groups, Houston J. Math. 73 no. 3 (2001) 511-522. [PDF]

12. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, A permutability problem in infinite groups and Ramsey's theorem, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 64 no. 1 (2001) 27-31. [PDF]

11. Alireza Abdollahi, Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi and Bijan Taeri, An n-rewritability criterion for infinite groups, Comm. Algebra 29 no. 4 (2001) 1571-1581. [PDF]

10. Alireza Abdollahi and Bijan Taeri, On a class of infinite rings, Algebra Colloq.  8 no. 2 (2001) 153-157.

Published in 2000

9. Alireza Abdollahi, Infinite groups with an Engel condition on infinite subsets, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 26 no. 1 (2000) 73-78. [PDF]

8. Alireza Abdollahi, Finitely generated soluble groups with an Engel condition on infinite subsets, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova  103 (2000) 47-49. [PDF]

7. Alireza Abdollahi, Some Engel conditions on infinite subsets of certain groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 62 (2000) 141-148. [PDF]

6. Alireza Abdollahi and Bijan Taeri,  A condition on a certain variety of groups, Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova 104 (2000) 129-134. [PDF]

Published in 1999

5. Alireza Abdollahi, A characterization of infinite 3-abelian groups, Arch. Math. (Basel) 73 no. 2 (1999) 104-108. [PDF]

4. Alireza Abdollahi, Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi and Bijan Taeri A property equivalent to n-permutability for infinite groups, J. Algebra 221 (1999) 570-578. [PDF]

3. Alireza Abdollahi and Bijan Taeri, Some conditions on infinite subsets of infinite groups, Bull. Malaysian Math. Soc. (2) 22 no. 1 (1999) 87-93. [PDF]

2. Alireza Abdollahi and Bijan Taeri, A condition on finitely generated soluble groups, Comm. Algebra 27 no. 11 (1999) 5633-5638. [PDF]

Published in 1998

1. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, A characterization of infinite abelian groups, Bull. Iranian Math. Soc. 24 no. 2

(1998) 41-48. [PDF]


Presentation in Conferences:


1. Alireza Abdollahi, Integral of a group, 29th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Iran, March 28-31, 1998.

2. Alireza Abdollahi, A condition on infinite subsets of infinite hyper-abelian groups, 10th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Kordestan University, Sanandaj, Iran, October 21-22, 1998.


3. Alireza Abdollahi, An Engel condition on certain residually finite groups, 30th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics, University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, Ardebil, Iran, August 1-4, 1999.

4. Alireza Abdollahi, A characterization of infinite n-permutable groups, 11th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, October 27-29, 1999.

5. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Groups with many 3-rewritable products, 11th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, October 27-29, 1999.

6. Alireza Abdollahi and Bijan Taeri, A combinatorial condition on infinite subsets of infinite groups, 11th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, October 27-29, 1999.


7. Alireza Abdollahi and Bijan Taeri, A combinatorial condition on infinite rings, Proceedings of the 31st Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Tehran, Iran, August 27-30, 2000, 23-27.

8. Alireza Abdollahi, A characterization of the Levi property generated by a variety, 12th Iranian Algebra Seminar, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, March 28-29, 2000.


9. Alireza Abdollahi, 4-Engel groups and certain locally nilpotent varieties of groups, (Invited Speaker) 14th Iranian Algebra Seminar of Iran, Azzahra University, Tehran-Iran, July 16-18, 2002.

10. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, 3-rewritable nilpotent 2-groups, International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, China, August 20-28, 2002.

11. Alireza Abdollahi, M. J. Ataey, M. Jafarian and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Groups with a maximal irredundant 6-cover, 33th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics, University of Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran, August 30-September 2, 2002.

12. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Rejali and G. Willis, Groups charaterized by configurations, 33th Iranian International Conference on Mathematics, University of Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran, August 30-September 2, 2002.


13. Alireza Abdollahi, Infinite Ramsey's theorem and some of its applications in group theory, One hour talk delivered  at  Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM), Tehran, Iran,  1 December 2004.

14. Alireza Abdollahi, M. J. Ataey, M. Jafarian and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, Groups with a maximal irredundant 6-cover, 16th Iranian Algebra Seminar, 17-19 November 2004, Center of Advanced Study of

Gaveh zang Zanjan, Iran. (This is an improved version of the Item 3 in 2002, see below.) [PDF]

15. Alireza Abdollahi and Aliakbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi, 3-rewritable groups, 16th Iranian Algebra Seminar, 17-19 November 2004, Center of Advanced Study of Gaveh zang Zanjan, Iran. (This is an improved version of the Item 3 in 2002.) [PDF]


16. Alireza Abdollahi, Rings in which a given polynomial has many solutions, 35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, January 26-29, 2005. [PDF]

17. Alireza Abdollahi, Ashraf and M. Shaker, Coverings symmetric and alternating groups of small degree by their proper subgroups, 35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, January 26-29, 2005. [PDF]

18. Alireza Abdollahi and M.J. Ataei and A. Mohammadi hassanabadi Characterization of p-groups with a maxiaml irredundant 8-cover, 36th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, University of Yazd, September, 2005. [PDF]

19. Alireza Abdollahi, A. Azad and M. Zarrin, B.H.Neumann's question on ensuring commutativity of a group, 35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, January 26-29, 2005. [PDF]

20. Alireza Abdollahi A. Rejali, Amenability of semigroups characterised by configurations, 35th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, January 26-29, 2005. [PDF]


Supervised M.Sc. Students and Title of Their Thesis:


     1)  A.  Mosaiebi, (2001) A combinatorial condition on infinite groups, (Advisor)

     2) M. Behdari, (2002) Engel conditions on groups, (Advisor)

     3) M. J. Abbasi, (2002) Some combinatorial Engel conditions on groups, (Supervisor)

     4) M. Zarrin, (2002) Subnormal conditions on non-torsion groups, (Supervisor)

     5) M. Elyasi, (2002) Some combinatorial conditions on groups and applications of Ramsey's theorem, (Supervisor)

     6) J. Sarhadi,(2002) Study of subgroups of finite p-groups, (Advisor)

     7) S. Afshari, (2002) Study of rewritable groups, (Advisor)

     8) P. Rashno, (2002) Characterization of groups in which the product of every four elements is permutable, (Advisor)

     9) H. Khosravi, (2003) Engel groups and semigroup laws, (Supervisor)

    10) M. Araskhan, (2003) Some bounds for locally nilpotent groups in certain variety of groups, (Supervisor)

    11) R. Mohamdpour Nashli, (2003) Semicomplete groups, (Advisor)

    12) A. Rahmatimanesh, (2003) Central automorphisms of groups, (Advisor)

    13) M. Aminian, (2004) Covering algebras, (Advisor)

    14) B. Behzadi Share Babak, (2005) Sequenceablity of groups, (Supervisor)

    15) R. Niazi, (2005) 3-rewritable groups, (Advisor)

    16)  F. Ashraf, (2006) Groups which union of finitely many subgroups, (Supervisor)

    17) S. M. Shaker Khovidaki, (2007) Study of coverings of  symmetric groups of small degrees, (Supervisor)

18) A. Zeidi, (2008) 9-centralizers groups, (Supervisor)

19) E. Nasibi, (2009) Groups with given central automorphism of groups, (Supervisor)

Click HERE to see supervised Ph.D. Students and Title of their Thesis


 Iranian Group Theorists (who I know):


1) Ahmad Erfanian

2) Mohammad Reza Darafsheh

3) Ali-Reza Jamali

4) Ali Akbar Mohammadi Hassanabadi,

5) Mohammad Reza Rajbzadeh Moghaddam

6)  H. Doostie

7) Ali Iranmanesh

8) Ali Reza  Ashrafi

9) A. Rahnamai Barghi

10) Behrooz Khosravi

11) Mohammad Reza Pournaki

12) Bijan Taeri

13) Ali Reza Moghaddamfar

14) Hamid Mousavi

15) Saeed Kayvanfar

16) Behrooz Mashayekhy

17) Ali Reza Salemkar

18) Houshang Behravesh

19) M. Akhavan Malayeri

20) Z. Mostaghim

21) M. R. Moghaddam

22) A. Azad

23) M. Zarrin

24) A. Faghihi Afarni

25) S. M. Majid Jafarian Amiri

26) M. J. Ataei

27) M. Shabani Attar